And once again, I didn't have time to work out until after bedtime (this is becoming a regular thing apparently), but tonight it was even later than usual because Calista decided she needed a bottle instead of sleep. I ended up feeding her until 9:30pm. Old me would have said it was way too late to do an hour long workout at that time of night. New me was not happy about it but went ahead and popped the dvd in anyway.
Halfway through the workout, I was just not feeling it. I was still really grumpy from my crappy day, and Chalene's perky attitude was making me a little angry. (Yeah, that's how you can tell I've had a really bad day.) I was tired and sore and full of excuses for why I should quit. I actually stopped the dvd and turned it to the 10 minute stretch workout that's supposed to be at the end of class. But during the first minute of stretching, I got even more grumpy with myself for quitting. Old me would have just finished stretching and called it a night, but then I would have been seriously disappointed in myself later. Instead, new me shook off the tiredness and the grumpiness (and the weighted gloves) and started up the workout where I had left off. I finished strong, and I'm so happy I did.
Now I'm in a much better mood, and I'm proud of myself for finishing. This week has definitely been great for making changes in my lifestyle. My eating habits and exercise have changed, obviously, but a more subtle change is my attitude. There are just no excuses good enough to make me quit.

Oh yeah, one last thing. Today was Friday weigh-in! I'm -3.2 lbs, which puts me at 195.4 lbs. I'm only one pound away from pre-Calista weight!
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