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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Birthday Weekend!

Yesterday was my birthday. I had an awesome day. Tori woke me up in the morning by jumping on the bed, yelling "Happy Birthday, Mommy!". Jon followed her in with a big box and a protein bar with number candles in it. I had a good laugh from that, because the numbers were a "2" and a "7" and I turned 29 yesterday. He's either senile already or just wants me to re-use the same candles for his birthday next Saturday. I did appreciate him getting me a protein bar instead of cake, though. That was really thoughtful, especially since I didn't want to see if I would have the self-control to not eat cake if it was sitting right in front of me.

I opened my card first, and it happened to be a Justin Bieber singing card. Tori got all excited and took it away from me, saying "The Bieber! It's the Bieber, Mommy!". The rest of the morning was filled with the sound of the Bieber's voice ringing through my house.

After having another good laugh about the card, I opened my present. It was a Genie bra. I complain about my bras a lot, and I mean a LOT, so it makes sense that he would get me a comfortable bra for my birthday. Still, it was totally not what I expected, and (surprise surprise) I started laughing again. Jon told me that the real birthday present was the thought of him going through a checkout line with a Genie bra and a Justin Bieber singing card. He told me that he had an awkward conversation with the Walmart lady about it. Anyone who knows Jon knows how painful that would be. Ahh it's still making me laugh! Haha.

He also ordered me a couple of shirts from the Team Beachbody website. I'll be rocking a Turbo Fire t-shirt in a week or two! Combine that with my new super-bra, and I'll be looking pretty darn good. Hehe.

The rest of the day was pretty normal. Jon had to work the night before, so he was sleeping most of the day, and I just hung out with the kids. Later in the afternoon, I went to the eye doctor to get some contacts. I know it sounds like a really lame thing to do on my birthday, but I was excited about it. I really want to take scuba diving lessons, and you can't wear glasses when you're diving because the mask won't fit. And with my terrible eyesight, I wouldn't be able to enjoy the underwater sights if I didn't get contacts. Now I'm one step closer to scuba diving! Actually, I'm two steps closer because a few people sent me birthday money for my scuba fund so I don't have to pay for it all myself. I think I'm going to sign up to start lessons in September, which means that my first official open water dive will be at Blue Hole in Santa Rosa, NM. Eeeee, I'm so excited about it!

Anyway, I had a great day yesterday. I made healthy choices for food (which included not having a birthday cake or ice cream), and I got a lot of love from my friends and family. The only downside to yesterday was that I was too exhausted to work out last night, and I ended up having to do a double workout today. That was rough, and I don't plan on doing it ever again. But, bright side, I did make up for the missed workout.

This was one of my best birthdays, I think. I feel really great about where my life is headed. I'm going to make this next year one to remember!

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