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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Back in Action!

After a week of having my computer out of commission, I finally got it fixed! As it turns out, the hard drive was destroyed and had to be replaced. I lost all my files, but at least I didn't have to buy a whole new computer. Oh, and the important stuff was already saved on the internet. (In a cloud somewhere? Still not quite sure what that is, but I think it's where all my files are, so it's obviously useful.) Anyway, I'm happy to have my computer back!

This past week was definitely not a week off, as far as workouts and eating right were concerned. I created a weekly menu board to make things less complicated in the kitchen. Before I started this challenge, I would sit around the house wondering what I should make. More often than not, my sitting around would take a long time and we would end up getting fast food because it would be too late for me to go to the store and then cook something. ("Too late"...that's such a lame excuse...there's so much food out there that is faster and cheaper than fast food. No more excuses, that was an old Rose thing.) Now that I have my menu board, I plan out all my meals and snacks for the week and then do my grocery shopping on Sunday or Monday. We have tons of awesome healthy food, and I just have to look at my menu to see what I'm making next. It takes pretty much no thought on my part, except for the one time I have to fill out the menu.

(My menu board)

I stuck to the menu the whole week and really enjoyed trying all the new recipes. They were all really good, except for Tuesday's dinner of butternut squash & green apple soup. Butternut squash isn't in season (I think it's a fall thing) and I had to use canned yams instead. It wasn't exactly disgusting, but...yeah, okay, it was pretty gross. I don't think I'll be making that one again. The fish recipes are always my favorite. I LOVE seafood. I'm so happy it's good for me. Anyway, I think the menu board was a huge success, and I'll be using it from now on.

I don't know if you can read it very well, but the last line on the board is for my workouts. I'm following the regular Turbo Fire class schedule now that the inferno plan is over, so I just copy that schedule onto my board. If I have to stare at it all day, then I know I have a better chance of actually getting it done. I have "gym" on there three times a week, along with my regular workouts, but sadly I didn't make it to the gym at all this week. It was the only thing I skipped, but it was necessary. Jon worked a lot of overtime on his days off, so it just wasn't possible for me to go. When Calista is a little older, I can take both kids with me and won't have to worry about child care or Jon being home or whatever. But until she's 10 months old, there's not much I can do about it. The rest of my workouts went really well.

Yesterday was another Friday weigh-in, and it turns out I lost another pound this week. That puts me at 194.8 lbs, which was my weight before I got pregnant with Calista a year ago. I'm so happy!! My next goal is to get down to 170 lbs, which is my pre-Tori weight. That one is going to take longer, but I'm in this for life, so time isn't really a big deal.

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