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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A Life Lesson Learned

So...today I had big plans for my workout. I was going to do some Turbo Jam (the cardio party workout, for anyone who's familiar with the program), and then I was going to run at the gym. My thinking was that I would do a lot better at the gym if I knew my whole cardio workout for the day didn't depend solely on whether I ran enough or not. I could slow down and walk if I needed to, and I was hoping that would help me not feel so sick and wheezy.

But, as often happens, my schedule changed. Jon got called into work for a road trip to fix a plane in Arizona, and I had to rush through my to-do list as quickly as possible so he could take the car. He said I could've had the car at home, but it didn't matter because going to the gym was still out of the question. Tori can go to the child care center, but Calista is still too young. (She has to be at least 10 months to be able to go.) So I was going to have to stay home with the kids anyway.

As much as I appreciate how hard Jon works to support us (really, really appreciate it), and he always gives me the option to say no to a road trip (so it was my choice that he went to work), I was still a little grumpy because gym time is pretty much the only time I have to myself. Even though Tori comes with me, it's not like I have to watch her for the hour that I'm there. I get to focus just on myself, and it's fantastic, even when I'm working hard and sweating everywhere. (Or maybe it's fantastic because I'm working hard and sweating everywhere. Either way.) I feel like I haven't had much time to myself in weeks. We've been traveling a lot, and last week when I took the kids down to my parents' house, I didn't get a break at all. I kind of felt like screaming and tearing my hair out by the time we got back home. I had been planning a trip to Minnesota next week to visit some of my friends, and I was really looking forward to the time away. But the challenge group opportunity presented itself to me, and I couldn't afford to do that and the vacation, so I chose the challenge group.

I know it's the right decision because I'm going to be SO happy when I see how far I've come over the next 90 days. In the short term, though...it's sometimes hard to be stuck at home with two crazy kids (whom I love to death) without any kind of away time. That's why going to the gym for an hour every day (or even every other day) is great. Today I was moping around thinking to myself, "Great. Now what am I going to do? Work out during nap time? Yeah right." The thing about nap time is that the kids usually don't sleep at the same time. I put Calista down for a nap, and Tori's awake. I get Tori to sleep, and Calista wakes up. Every. Single. Day. I think sometimes they're conspiring against me. Anyway, if I don't get to work out during nap time, I have to do it after bed time. And once again, if Tori's in bed, Calista is awake and needs a bottle. So we're talking 9-10pm or later for working out, by which time I'm exhausted and have very little motivation to get it done.

I was grumping around the house during lunchtime, just thinking about how difficult it was going to be to find time to do Turbo Jam without being interrupted. I shouldn't have been so pessimistic. Both my kids went to sleep around the same time, which is so rare I almost keeled over in shock when it happened. But instead of collapsing in a dead faint, I threw in the Turbo Jam dvd, put on my weighted gloves, and totally kicked some cardio party ass. It was extreme. I don't know if I've ever thrown myself into that workout so much. I felt great when it was done. My bad mood was gone, and I was walking around the house all pumped up and enthusiastic (and soaked in sweat). I learned a valuable lesson: DON'T ASSUME BAD THINGS ARE GOING TO HAPPEN. I'm not a psychic, so I shouldn't make assumptions about the future. I'm going to try to focus on having a positive attitude, even when things don't go as planned.

(I know these pictures are a little blurry, but my arms were shaking everywhere from the workout. It's proof that today was kick-ass.)

Inspiration for today: "Doing anything is better than doing nothing." - me (and probably a bunch of other people...it seems like common sense)

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